Monday, August 3, 2009

BIG decisions

i finally did it. (almost)
I'm freaked out, nervous, scared, but never been more happy.

I'm leaving school, for at least a year, working and traveling and seeing where it takes me. I have no more than a one year plan nor do I want to have more than a one year plan.(why should I?)

So here I am, day 1-ish of this initial life adventure and I have never felt so liberated and unattached, it's wonderful. I'm sitting at Muddy Water's and finding myself shaky with butterflies in my stomach. No, not butterflies, bees. Butterflies are too fluffy for this moment. Plus bees are cooler.

The initial exploration has led me to searching for WWOOF farms in Arizona and out west, which may be the first destination on my travels for at least a month. Then hopefully I'll head out to another country. (Central America, New Zealand, Europe...thoughts?) That decision doesn't need to be made just yet.

Finding a job is task one. Folks foods and market is going till October, but that isn't enough to even make rent. I applied to City Market last week online and popped my head in today just to show my face. I fortunately talked to Maryanne, who apparently was the perfect person to talk to. She is one of three people who are hiring the part time cashier and seemed really impressed that I had taken the initiative to come and introduce myself. cha-ching! (no pun intended) We'll see what happens in the next week, but I'm pretty confident that I'll at least get an interview. I'm finally putting together my resume. and going to apply to a part-time cheesemaker position and Shelburne farms. I also talked to Jason and Mark from Jericho settlers and he suggested I create a classified ad to post on NOFA and send out to the market listserv. Plus working for Becky and Chapin's wedding and other odd jobs will bring me some extra cash as well. I'm not too worried about money. I virtually have until the end of September to find a full time gig.

So this here blog is going to serve many purposes. To document this turning point in my life, to track my thoughts, feelings, and ideas (I have the memory of a goldfish), and to give my writing bug a kick. I haven't really written much since high school and have lost track of so many of my thoughts. Hopefully some creative writing will pop up here and there as I haven't done much of that since high school either.

I'll kick it off with lame limerick:

There once was a girl who liked food,
but unfortunately didn't like school
she left that smart place
to find a new face
we'll see where she is in 200 days.

Shit, I need a shot of something to calm these nerves. The resume is going to have to be put on hold. I need to garden in the sun. Off to Slade, peace!

current music: muddy's reggae
mood: picture a chimp on happy pills

1 comment:

  1. psh, you'll be fine. Look into Wyoming, it's surprisingly beautiful and lots of ranches to work on.
